Dr. Duleep Delpechitre joined the Department of Marketing and the Professional Sales Institute in 2015. Before coming to Illinois State, Dr. Delpechitre taught at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and served as the Sales Center Director. Dr. Delpechitre obtained his Ph.D. in Marketing, Master of Science in Consumer Behavior, and Bachelor’s Degree in Selling and Sales Management from Purdue University. Dr. Delpechitre has more than a decade of industry experience in the financial and service industry.
287.001Independent Study
287.003Independent Study
234.001Personal Selling And Relationship Marketing
234.004Personal Selling And Relationship Marketing
326.001Professional Sales Planning & Analysis
287.002Independent Study
234.001Personal Selling And Relationship Marketing
234.003Personal Selling And Relationship Marketing
326.001Professional Sales Planning & Analysis
Dr. Delpechitre’s research interests stem from his professional experiences as a sales consultant. He is engaged in cutting-edge and industry-driven research that advances existing marketing theory and offers valuable insights and implications to marketing practitioners.
* Research Stream 1: Examine how salespeople’s abilities and characteristics influence customers’ relationship outcomes such as purchase intentions, loyalty, and satisfaction.
*Research Stream 2: Understand how organizational resources and technology influence salespeople’s performance in a business-to-business context.
*Research Stream 3: Develop and examine efficient pedagogical methods to teach sales intelligence and how it impacts buyer-seller interactions.