College of Business Illinois State University
Illinois State University
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Faculty and Staff eResources

Technology Buffet February 22, 2109 Handouts


Cabells: your guide to successful publishing - Available only on-campus
DATA.GOV new portal - With access to government databases, formerly unavailable or scattered all around the Net.
Google Scholar search- Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.


Illinois State Human Resources
Illinois State iPeople system
Milner Library wordmark

Danielle Futoran, Business Librarian, Resource Page

Joe Zumalt, Business/Economics Librarian, Resource Page

qualtrics Qualtrics Survey - Qualtrics is Web-based survey software.
ReggieNet - Web-based Learning-Management-System based on open-source Sakai software
Sedona Systems login- SEDONA is a self-service web database application that allows members to maintain their teaching, research, service, experience, development, credentials, and assessment records

SimplyMap enables non-technical and advanced users to quickly create professional thematic maps and other types of reports using powerful demographic, business, and marketing data. SimplyMap is a discovery tool -- allowing users to see patterns and correlations (or lack thereof) among data from a wide variety of sources.

Select Survey - Create online surveys, email survey invitations, advanced reporting, pop-up surveys, and many more advanced features.


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