College of Business Illinois State University
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Scholarships & Awards

Accounting Scholarships


Accounting Scholarships External to Illinois State

National Society of Accountants Scholarship Foundation: The NSA Scholarship Foundation Board of Trustees awards an average of 30 scholarships per year in the amount of approximately $1,000 each for accounting students entering their third or fourth year of studies, and approximately $500 each to students entering their second year of studies. In addition, the outstanding student in the competition, designated the Charles H. Earp Memorial Scholar, receives an additional stipend and an appropriate plaque. Who can apply: students majoring in accounting with a "B" or better grade point average, students enrolled in a degree program at an accredited two-year or four-year college or university, only undergraduate students are eligible, only U.S. or Canadian citizens attending a U.S. accredited business school, college or university may apply. Applications and appraisal forms may be obtained by contacting NSA.

AICPA Student Scholarship: Competitive award of $2,500 scholarships for two outstanding AICPA student affiliate members pursuing studies in accounting, finance, or information systems. An application is available online at the AICPA website.

The deadline for the scholarships is December 4.  Applications submitted after the deadline will no be considered.

Department of Accounting Leadership Scholarship

The Department of Accounting now has Leadership Scholarships available for incoming freshman and transfer students who have demonstrated leadership qualities in high school or community college. Scholarship amounts vary between $500 and $2,000 and are one-time awards. The Department of Accounting has committed up to $22,000 in scholarship funds to be awarded for the 2017-2018 school year. This is an ongoing scholarship that can be applied for at any time.

Apply online here for the Department of Accounting Leadership Scholarship.

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