College of Business Illinois State University
Illinois State University
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Old Main Bell


The College of Business building features multiple technology-enhanced classroom layouts to complement multiple teaching styles. Models of classrooms include the Tiered Deep-U 40 seat, Flat Flexible 40 seat, Flat Fixed 37 seat, Tiered Wide-U 43 seat, Large Tiered 100 seat, and the Auditorium which seats 200 students.

Most classrooms have about 40 seats to support our goal of small class sizes allowing faculty to offer individualized attention to students.

Technology Support

All styles classrooms have a common technology platform, scaled to the size of the room, combined with traditional oversize white board space. Instructors and students enjoy a full multimedia and distance-capable learning environment with enhanced wireless connectivity. 

The 100-seat classrooms and 200-seat auditorium are also equipped with presentation microphone systems.

We invite you to explore our classrooms in "The new Center of Business in Central Illinois."

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