College of Business Illinois State University
Illinois State University
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The BUA major prepares students for a wide range of jobs within a variety of industries. It provides the general skills that can transfer into a variety of career choices. Focused on the management and operational skills that are crucial to running a business, a business administration degree will prepare students for any number of entry-level positions in a variety of organizations, such as financial institutions, professional firms, medical clinics/hospitals, government, and non-profit agencies.

In addition to learning about core business disciplines such as accounting, finance, marketing, and management, BUA students take specialized courses in Cost and Management Accounting, Electronic Business Management, Investments, Marketing Research, Organizational Behavior and Administration, and Quality Control Management.


Sequences Business Administration



Internships Check out a list of opportunities that provide great professional experience to business students



Student Organizations

Student OrganizationsBusiness Administration Association

Affiliated Departments

Department of Management and Quantitative Methods

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