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Business Week

Business Week Corporate Social Responsibility Day


Corporate Social Responsibility Day
Case Competition

Friday | March 25, 2022 
9:00am to 4:00pm

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the initiative to embrace  responsibility for a company’s actions and encourage a positive impact  on society through activities involving consumers, employees,  communities, stakeholders, and the environment. CSR goes beyond what is  required by regulators and promotes the betterment of business practices  for sustained positive change for consumers, employees, communities,  and stakeholders.

This year’s Business Week CSR Case Competition is taking place on November 12, 2021 from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Teams consisting of two to five participants will be given a real-life business problem to be analyzed and solved within a two-hour time frame. Each team will present research and a proposed solution to a panel of judges consisting of business professionals.

The competition is then narrowed down to the top three teams that will continue on to present to an even larger panel of judges to compete for an overall prize amount of $1,000 split amongst the teams. First place will win $500 and customized t-shirts, second place will win $350, and third place will win $150. There will be several participant awards of Business Week apparel awarded to select participants as well.


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