College of Business Illinois State University
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Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity,and Inclusion

The College of Business at Illinois State values initiatives that are inclusive for students of all ages and backgrounds, and Business Week places Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) at the forefront when planning for events. Business Week Team has created two positions dedicated to promoting D&I initiatives and is very excited to announce the creation of a new D&I event.

This event will be taking place on Wednesday, February 22th    in the middle of Business Week and is bound to be a fun and valuable event devoted to helping students listen, learn, and understand D, E & I in the workplace, the importance of having cross-cultural understanding, and how more and more companies are actively taking steps to institute D&I initiatives within their own walls.


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Illinois State University 
Location: TBD
6:30pm - 8:00pm

Special Olympics Illinois
Global Messengers
Illinois Special Olympics
Illinois State Best Buddies


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are incredibly important topics to be educated on before entering an ever-changing workforce.                      

Many companies today continue to declare commitment to integrating all aspects of equity, diversity, and inclusion into their workforce. One topic that isn’t always highlighted is the efforts put towards building an inclusive environment and the hiring of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In this collaborative event, Illinois Special Olympics and Best Buddies will educate attendees on the importance of advocating for people with disabilities to be treated fairly and having access to the same opportunities.  Discussion will revolve around how we can create a community of support for everyone. 

In this workshop, attendees will learn how to be advocates and raise awareness for people in business, in sports, and even in the community. The workshop will include an educational talk and discussion from Special Olympics Athletes and the Best Buddies Illinois State University Chapter President.  After discussion, attendees can participate or be spectators for a round of fun competition that will help create a better understanding of how we can advocate for those around us.  Attendees will be playing bags with both Best Buddies and Special Olympics athletes. Participating together in this low impact sport helps to build relationships and an understanding of one another.

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