Monday | February 21, 2022
Brown Ballroom | Bone Student Center
Illinois State University
Check in and Networking at 5:00 pm
Dinner served at 6:00 pm
Etiquette and Guest Speaker from 6:30 to 8:30 pm
While interviewing or conducting business over a meal, knowing proper etiquette is essential. This holds true for email communications, online interactions, and social outings.
At the Professional Development Dinner, College of Business faculty with etiquette expertise provide coaching advice to guide students in their future business endeavors. These tips provide invaluable insights that could turn a potentially stressful encounter into an enjoyable and powerful professional opportunity.
We invite you to participate in this event with industry representatives while enjoying dinner and great conversation. A social networking hour will precede the dinner for students, faculty, and company representatives.
There is a $10.00 registration fee for this event.