College of Business Illinois State University
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Business Week Mentor Program

Mentee Application


Mentee Application

The Business Week Mentoring Program is designed to give a select number of freshman and sophomore students a chance to further enhance their essential professional skills. Those chosen will be partnered with an upperclassman mentor who will serve as a coach: offering advice, answering questions, and providing support in preparation for and during Business Week events. These mentors are juniors and seniors who have already demonstrated outstanding professional skills and share a dedication to enhance the College of Business experience for younger students.

Why is this competitive opportunity valuable? Companies want interns and new hires who:

  • Know how to make introductions, listen effectively, and contribute to professional conversations in a variety of business settings,
  • Appreciate the need to look comfortable in business attire appropriate for a particular company's culture, and
  • Make the most of professional opportunities available through active participation in relevant student organizations and special events such as Business Week.

Applications for the Business Week 2021-22 Mentee Program are OPEN

Applications will close at midnight on November 22nd If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to

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