College of Business Illinois State University
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The Toastmasters College of Business Club is catered to the schedules of college students, with the recognition that many of us are looking to improve ourselves in low-stakes and low-stress environments. Weekly, our group comes together to practice giving a variety of presentation types, with designed pathways to help facilitate growth and improvement in the areas you are looking to pursue. Whether you are looking to simply practice your comfort level in front of a crowd, or are hoping to bolster your ability to lead others, Toastmasters College of Business will rise to suite your needs, should you make them known.
Our meetings offer a wide range of different positions that can be filled by any member, from roles as simple as time-keeper, to roles as complex as Toastmaster, who facilitates the entirety of the meeting. These roles are meant to serve as recitals for future practice in real-world settings, while remaining in an environment that allows for helpful advice and improvement. Being completely student-led, our meetings facilitate an environment that asks you to take charge of your own path, getting out what you put in.

Our Toastmasters group is just one of many from around the world, and by joining us, you will be connected to all of them. With networking opportunities to meet other Toastmasters from State Farm and the surrounding community, you will be tapped into a network that extends far beyond just the boundaries of Illinois State University.

For more information about Toastmasters, please contact us at

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