College of Business Illinois State University
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College Of Business Illinois State University Executive Classroom

Executive Classroom

The Executive Classroom recognizes our commitment to life-long learning and continuing education. This classroom's primary role is to encourage interaction with and instruction for our business partners.

Its secondary role is to provide a state-of-the-art capability to connect with other colleges, universities, and businesses using Internet-based teleconferencing, to run joint training sessions for remote locations. To accomplish these roles the student environment has a higher level of appearance in recognition of the expectations of the executives and business leaders that will be using this facility.

The professional environment and distance learning equipment provides a unique opportunity to attract our business partners and in so doing increase opportunities for interaction between these leaders and our students.

Located on the 4th Level in room 430, this area provides an executive training environment for business leaders and an opportunity for interaction with our students during their visits. This area of the building supports catering and spaces for relaxed conversation between sessions.


In addition to the specialized equipment this classroom also has instructional technology support that includes:

  • Touch panel control 
  • Same software as student workstations
  • Bright, sharp projection unit
  • High quality document camera
  • Laptop support for guest speakers with networking

Each student seat in the classroom is equipped with a power outlet to facilitate laptop use. And like all classrooms in the College, the Executive Classroom features enhanced wireless connectivity. 

2022-08-19T08:09:38.467565-07:00 2022